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Knowledge base
How to go to the Talent Acquisition platform?
How do I set the platform in my language?
How do I proceed if I have lost my credentials?
What is the policy for "@myaccor.com" passwords?
I can't connect to INES with my MyAccorHotels.com Employee Access
See all 17 articles
Which email should I choose to register in INES ?
How can I update my professional email address?
Where does my email address appears in the application?
To which email address the emails notifications are sent?
Which email notifications may I receive from INES?
See all 6 articles
What is the INES Administrator role ?
As a General Manager or INES Administrator ("hotel admin" in the My Heartist Portal), why cannot I find a specific employee to identify him/her in the "Recruiters" list?
How to select the Talent Management Specialist for my hotel/entity?
How to select the Learning Specialist for my hotel/entity?
How to add a Recruiter for my hotel/entity?
See all 6 articles
I cannot find my manager in the list, what do I do?
How can I indicate when I change position within the same hotel/organization?
How do I delete an Employee profile in the My Heartist Portal?
Why am I able to see employees who left ?
How can I indicate my new position when I move from one hotel/entity to another hotel/entity?
See all 6 articles
TA - SmartRecruiters - Candidates
I forgot my password or my account is blocked.
How to apply?
How do I create my candidate account?
How do I modify/delete an attachment when creating my candiate profile?
How do I activate/deactivate a job offer alert?
See all 7 articles
TA - SmartRecruiters - Users
SmartAnalytics Overview & Guidebooks
New 5 Star Match Score
AI Candidate Summary
Block Assessfirst Invitation if no Assessfirst Recruiters role
Prerequisites to ensure that your job advert is published on the Career Accor website
See all 73 articles
TA - SmartRecruiters - Training Materials
Recruiters & Managers Memo Cards
Mobile Hiring App
Training session for Hotels
Training session for Corporate Offices
SmartAssistant Memo Cards
See all 10 articles
TA - Phenom - Service Hub
TA - AssessFirst
TA - SmartLite
SmartLite Integration Process
Prerequisites to ensure that your job advert is published on the Career Accor website
How to create a job with SmartLite - Video Demo
What are the pre-requisites to connect on SmartLite?
EN - User Guide SmartLite
See all 7 articles
TM - Prerequisites
Who is involved in the online Talent Management?
What are the different roles in the Talent Management Platform?
How can I access the Talent Management platform?
How to perform a search in the organization chart?
How to manage my professional information?
See all 14 articles
TM - Performance Document
How to initialize a Performance Document?
What are the Technical Skills?
How to review LCF Competencies and Technical Skills?
What kind of goals does the Manager have to set?
How to set Goals in the Performance Document?
See all 30 articles
TM - Peer to Peer Feedback
TM - Regular Checkpoints & Annual Wrap-Up (continuous evaluation)
What are the benefits of the continuous evaluation?
What is a Regular Checkpoint?
What is the Yearly Wrap-Up?
How to share my Employee's Performance Document ?
How to submit a Performance Document?
See all 22 articles
TM - Succession Plan & Talent Pool
How to create a Succession Plan?
How to create a Talent Pool?
Who can access the Succession plan section?
Do we need to have Succession plan for everyone?
When a Talent is recalibrated in the 12 box, does her potential and performance review details adjust to reflect the change in her 12 box calibration?
TM - T&C Admin
How to complete a Performance Document?
How to transfer a Performance Document to another Manager?
How to reopen a Performance Document?
How to delete a Performance Document?
How to cancel a Performance Document?
See all 17 articles
TM - Other topics
How do I proceed if I have lost my credentials to access the Talent Management platform?
How do I set the platform in my preferred language?
What is the functional impact of the closing Talent Management Cycle for review period 2021?
TM - Shape Your Future
I have a validated INES account from a hub, but why am I unable to access Shape Your Future module?
Will the list of hotels eligible to access Shape Your Future be expanded in the future?
I have a validated profile in INES as an Emerging/Professional/Executive/Visionary Leader, but my Manager is not able to find in the Shape Your Future Evaluation Feature
I am a Future and I need to proceed to a Shape Your Future self-evaluation. How do I start the Shape Your Future evaluation?
When does the global rating appear for my profile in Shape Your Future?
See all 7 articles
TM - Talent Card
What is a Talent Card & Use of Talent Card?
How to Create/Generate/Download Talent Card?
Information in the Talent Card
New LMS – Learn You Way
Power User/Admin User Guides
Manage Certificate
Manage courses and enrollments
Manage ILT
Manage Learning Plans
Quick actions guide for Admin
See all 7 articles
Manager user guide
Quick actions guide for Manager
Learner user guide
Super Admin User Guides
How to create a cluster on Docebo?
Manage Central Repository
Oracle L&D - Prerequisites
What are the different roles in the Learning and Development Platform?
How can I access the Learning and Development platform?
How to perform a search in the organization chart?
Is it mandatory for the user to register via an email ID?
Does an invitation link need to be sent to an HOD who already has access to the My Heartist Portal as they are a Talent Management Specialist in Oracle ?
See all 9 articles
Oracle L&D - Training material
Oracle L&D - Learning Admin (Academy)
What is the meaning of periods for the renewal of a course ?
What is the meaning of statuses of learning assignments ?
What are the consequences of the pricing section on the visibility for a learner ?
How can I make a course a prerequisite for the completion of another ?
How to create a Global Access Group using person number criteria
Oracle L&D - Learning Specialist (T&C)
How to assign a Learning item?
What are the types of course assignments and what do they mean?
How do I download a report of list of courses completed by any department/hotel ?
How a L&D specialist can create enrollments to all employees of a hotel
How to find who initiated a learning request
See all 8 articles
Oracle L&D - Learner
How to know what to learn?
How to search and request a Learning?
How to follow a Learning assignment?
How can I print my Learning Certificate of Course Completion?
How to launch an elearning module?
Oracle L&D - Learning Manager
How to manage my Team's Learning?
How Learner can Request for course and Manager can Approve/Reject course request?
CMS - Training Material
CMS - User Guide EN
CMS - User Guide FR
CMS - Website Content
What is the structure of the website?
What is a page in Accor Careers?
How many pages do exist?
Which content can I edit?
How can I update content in the Content Management System (CMS)?
See all 16 articles
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