Every time you are updating your content, please ensure that you respect the following principles: 

  1. High quality content
  2. Must follow legal compliancy
  3. You can ONLY post content that you own/have the rights
  4. Be encouraging and take cultural sensitivity into consideration
  5. Whenever is possible, please align your content with the EVP Pillars


Please do not modify font and colour for text modification as the tool is built using the Accor Marketing guidelines


In the CMS tool, please follow the steps as described below to add/edit your content:

  1. Select the language in which you want to edit your content
  2. Search for your page
  3. Modify the existing content or create new content by adding a widget
  4. At the right bottom side of your page, click on "Save"
  5. Open a support ticket to ask for content review, approval and publication