My Learning > Learning (Administrator Tools) > Catalog Resources > Global Access Groups
Click on Create
Enter an Access Group Name and Description and select the View Mode and click on Add > Person Number List
Click on “+” and import the file that contains the person number list.
Below are some guidelines for building the file:
- Identify the users to be included in the Access Group and get their person number.
- Copy only the person numbers in a new Excel file without any other information.
3. Save the file in .csv format (Comma delimited).
4. After creating the Access Group, you can check the users who are attached to it by clicking on “Access”. You can also see the total number of users that are included in the Access Group.
The list can also be exported.
To be sure to have all the users, fill in the field “Learner Added to Access Group” with a date before the creation date of the Access Group.