1. How many attachments can I add to my file and what is the accepted format of these attachments? 


The total of all the attachments filed must not exceed the size of 5120 kb. Make sure your document is saved in one of the following formats: .docx, .doc, .pdf or .rtf.  


2. Hoadd/modify/delete an attachment? 


The hiring team may request that you provide additional documents after applying or you may want to update the hiring team with some additional documents like acquired certificates etc. 

Follow these steps to add documents to your existing application. 

  1. Log in to Smartr via https://www.smartr.me/public/sign-in using the same email address you have used to apply 

  1. On the homepage of Smartr, click the ‘Manage my applications’ button 

  1. Click the job you wish to add the resume/document(s) to 

  1. In the side panel, click the ‘See my application’ button. This will open your application details page. 

  1. On the right side, in the ‘Attachments’ section click the ‘Plus sign’ button 

  1. Choose the resume/document(s) you want to be added to the application 

  1. If your resume/document(s) do not upload, consider 

  • Disabling any pop-up blockers that you may have enabled 

  • Changing the layout, or reformatting the resume/document(s) 

  • Changing the name of the document making sure your filename is completely in lowercase (not using any capital letters) 



3. What happens when I delete an attachment on my general profile? 


Each attachment added to an application is automatically added to the general profile attachments. Conversely, if an attachment from the general profile is deleted, it disappears from the applications on which it was present.