What is the meaning of periods for the renewal of a course ?
(1) Modified on: Tue, 18 Feb, 2020 at 2:27 PM
In the Learning Catalog when you create a course in the "Default Assignment Rules" tab:
1) In the Initial Assignment Status :
Active or Request approved: is the initial assignment status. This is the status the assignment will be in when you initially create it.
2) Validity period option : enables you to set a start date for the time period during which completing the assignment is considered valid.
After Due Date : the validity period starts after the assignment due date if the assignment is completed. If a learner completes the assignment one month before the due date, the assignment will not be valid until the due date has passed.
After Completion : the validity period starts after the assignment is completed. If the assignment is not completed and due date is reached, the validity period does not start, because the assignment is not completed.
3) Expiration rule : indicate if or when an assignment expires:
Never Expires : the assignment has no expiration date.
Expires in Days : define an expiration date in days. For example, an assignment might be set to expire in 7 days.
Expires on Date : define an expiration date and set a recurrence
Expires in Years : define an expiration date in years. This date is relative to the validity period start. For example, if validity
is set to completion date, and a learner completes an assignment on December 1 2019, and the assignment expires in 1 year, it expires December 1 2020. This differs from Expires on Date, because the expiration date is calculated instead of statically defined.
3) Renewal options:
After Completion : learners receive the next renewal assignment immediately upon completing the current assignment.
Period Before Expiration : the renewal occurs before the initial assignment expiration. This means learners will receive the next assignment the specified number of days before the current assignment expires. Indicate the number of days prior the initial assignment expiration to send the renewal.
None : there is no assignment renewal.
After Due Date : the renewal occurs after the initial assignment due date. Enter the number of days that must elapse after the due date before the renewal can be sent.
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