This functionality forces to close a form, for example when the form has not been closed before the starting of 2020 forms.

The Guided Learning can guide you through the tool:

1- Connect to the Talent Management Platform:

2- Click 'Guide Me'

3- Click 'TM - Talent Management Admin task'

4- Click 'How to cancel a Performance Document?'

Please find below a step by step:

1) Login into My Heartist Portal >> Click on Performance tab under My Action as T&C


Graphical user interface, application, Teams

Description automatically generated


2) Click on the task "Performance Documents":

3) To search a performance document, the Review Period, Performance Document Name and Employee Name/Manager Name/Department have to be filled in the search criteria:

*The Performance Document name is not mandatory.

You can see the current task being performed and the document status.

4) You can click on "Cancel" in the "Actions" menu:

5) Select the reason from the drop down menu >> Click on Submit button.

6) By default, the search criteria is filtered on "In progress" performance document. To retrieve "Canceled" performance documents, you should click on "Canceled" criteria:

7) The cancellation is directly effective and the "Document Status" is then updated: