There are 3 types of assignments in L&D. They are :

1. Voluntary

2. Required

3. Recommended

Automatic Enrollment means that once you assign a learner to a learning item, they do not have to perform any action in order to be enrolled to the Course.

Assignment TypeAutomatic EnrollmentCompletion
VoluntaryYesCompletion of voluntary items is not mandatory. Learners can see these assignments in the Voluntary Learning section of their Current Learning page. They choose when to complete them.
RequiredYesCompletion is mandatory by a specified date. Learners can view mandatory assignments, who assigned them, and their due dates in the Required Learning section of the Current Learning page.
RecommendedNoLearners can see recommended items on the View Recommendations page, as well as who recommended the items to them. They can navigate to learning items directly from a recommendation. In order to be enrolled, they will have to select an offering or enrolled themselves to the Course.
The progress of the recommended course is not tracked as a new voluntary enrollment line is created when the learner will enroll to it.