Job statuses help you identify whether a job is published and its current state within your hiring process. 

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SmartRecruiters distinguishes between a job status and posting status. Though they're separate and independent, understanding both is important for managing your jobs. 


Posting status :

Posting status indicates whether a job ad is published or not, and if published, its visibility. 

Posting status is assigned to a job's ads, not the job itself. 

Publishing :  

All SmartRecruiters accounts have at least two posting statuses: 



Job status :

Job status indicates the job's state within your hiring process.  

There are eight statuses. Depending on the job's current status, it is considered either active or inactive: 

Une image contenant texte, capture d’écran, Police, document

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If your job ad is in FILLED, CANCELLED or ON HOLD status, your ad must be unpublished.