Before creating a Freshdesk ticket, please check the Help Center SmartRecruiters, which is already well documented!

Your Access Group:

Determined at the creation of an account.  

You can only see candidates linked to the offers that you have access. 



Your Hiring Team role:

Determined for each job.  

It defines what you can see and do for each Job and there are only 2 levels: 


  • Interviewer: This role limits most modification actions on a job ad and doesn't give access to the contract informations. You can only see jobs, candidates and scorecards 


  • Executive / Hiring Manager: These 2 roles allow all possible actions on candidates & jobs. The only difference is the notifications (but everyone can customize them) 


  • Recruiter: this role has the same access as the two previous roles. Most commonly used role for managing jobs and candidates.