This functionnality forces to close a form, for example when the form has not been closed before the starting of 2020 forms.

The Guided Learning can guide you through the tool:

1- Connect to the Talent Management Platform:

2- Click 'Guide Me'

3- Click 'TM - Talent Management Admin task'

4- Click 'How to reopen a Performance Document?'

Please find below a step by step:

1) On the employee App, go to "T&C" --> "Performance":

2) The task "Performance Documents" is now available:

3) To find a completed performance document, the Review Period and Employee Name have to be filled in the seach criteria. /!\ You must also choose "Completed" document status:

*The Performance Document name should no longer be mandatory.

You can see the current status of the form.

4) It is mandatory to fill the "Current Task" in the search criteria before trying to click on "Complete" in the "Actions" menu:

5) To find again the Performance Document, you should filter on "In progress" instead:

6) The reopening is directly effective and the "Current Task" is then updated: